Writing Persuasive Emails 101

by Blaze Vile

Requirements To Sell Via Email
I - Define your target market
II - Build rapport and trust
III - Expressing authority
IV - Make the reader realise you have their best interest at heart
V - Make them comfortable opening links you send them.
What's The Point Behind The Requirements?
I - Avoid looking like a scammer.
II - Make them want to read more.
III - Get them to see how valuable your product is.
IV - So they want to purchase your products.
How To Get Someone From Subscriber To Paying Customer
Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs
I - Uncovering their pains.
II - Uncovering their desires.
III - Creating Curiosity.
IV - Uncovering roadblocks.
V - Presenting Solutions.
VI - Presenting your product as a vehicle to get them their.
VII - Tying It All Together
VIII - Urgency & Scarcity
You're fighting with everything for the readers attention so you can't half ass any aspect of an email otherwise you lose.
You also MUST grab the readers attention at the beginning of every email.
A good method to do so would be to create a sense of curiosity by telling them a new way of doing something they already do.
E.G. "Grow your legs twice as fast with this new regime, NO SQUATS necessary"
squats are regarded as the staple exercise to grow your legs, this could make the reader think
"What does he mean no squats, everyone recommends squats"
Requirements To Sell Via Email
Target Markets
Firstly you need to understand the reader.
  • Who are you talking to?
  • Where are they now?
  • What do you ultimately want them to do?
  • What thoughts do you need to trigger?
These questions provide you with a basic starting point
Rapport & Trust
To build rapport and trust you must appeal to their interests and show ways in which you and the reader are similar, in ideologies, past experiences, pains, desires, interests, routines and so on.
You must also provide them with value.
Two main forms of this are:
-Information on a topic of interest.
-Entertaining content surrounding a topic of interest.
Remember to keep it related to the product or service you're selling
Expressing Authority
To express authority you can show past successes, testimonials from other people you have worked with or even tell them about past positions you've held (so long as they are in a relevant area).
For example if you're trying to sell your service as a chess coach and you never mention how good you are at chess you likely won't get many sales.
If you include the fact that you're a grand master and Magnus Carlsen's brother you would probably get more applicants.
Or if you were trying to sell your services as a cybersecurity expert. Simply saying you're a "Cybersecurity expert" will only get you so far.
However, if you mention the fact that you've previously worked on systems for the UK government, IBM, Apple and Microsoft people would think you're an expert without you needing to say it.
This will cement any trust you've built through rapport and establish you as an expert in their mind.
Have Their Best Interest At Heart
Follow these guidelines and this will be very apparent to the reader
  • When collecting their email, be clear about the fact you are going to use it to contact them.
  • Send them a confirmation email upon signup, which also lets them opt out.
  • Give them the opportunity to unsubscribe with 1 click in every email.
  • Provide value in every contact (think, would you pay to receive this email? even if it is free)
  • Truly address their struggles/interests
  • Don't bombard them with promotional emails
  • Reply to inquiries in a timely manner
  • Address any sort of feedback/complaints
  • Express gratitude/appreciation for their time
Make Them Comfortable Opening Links
If you send your subscribers links that lead them towards valuable content consistently.
They will subconsciously start believing that the links you send them improve their life.
Making them more likely to click it.
Because they subconsciously believe that what's on the other side is going to be good.
The opposite is also true so be careful with what you send them.
It's like Pavlovian conditioning. The link is the bell and the benefits from the content is the food.
Why Are These Steps Important
Avoid Coming Off As A Scammer
Build it is so subscribers feel a sense of familiarity when they see your emails and view you almost as a friend rather than just some salesman trying to get into your wallet.
It also disables or at least lowers their sales guard depending on how far you go with rapport.
Has a friend ever told you about a product or service you should try?
Did you think to yourself "this sleazy sales guy is just trying to scam me!".
Trust is as important as rapport for different reasons.
Rapport makes them want to hear more of what you have to say.
Trust makes them believe in you and subsequently believe in the things that you are offering them.
Have you ever had a friend that you like but you know he exaggerates a little bit in his stories?
You'd probably invite him to an event but would you want to buy anything off him?
Authority is trust maxing.
It's almost as if you're borrowing trust from someone/something else.
Plus scammers often don't have any credentials or anyone that will vouch for them.
Lowering a readers sales guard and scam detector even further.
Consistent Link Sending:
With each link the potential customer opens and finds value in the less they think you will scam them.
Increase Perceived Value
Rapport, Trust and Authority:
If you increase your readers perception of you in these three metrics.
You will increase their perceived value of you as a whole.
If they perceive you to be of a high value, They will perceive your products to be valuable.
Increasing Perceived Value Of The Product:
If you are trying to sell someone ice baths.
You could show them a video of Andrew Huberman listing all the benefits of them.
Then tell them about the fact he is a Neuroscientist at Stanford.
Now you have a product that is endorsed by Neuroscientists at the number 4 ranked college in America.
Make Them Want To Buy Your Products
When you've got rapport, a sense of familiarity, built trust and displayed that you're an expert to your subscribers.
Or that your product is endorsed by experts.
They will want to buy your products.
This is when you can sell the products to them.
You cannot sell products to someone that doesn't want to buy them and you shouldn't try to.
That would be coercive.
How to do it
Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs
Fulfilling your life purpose, working at your highest standard, living your best life. Everyone wants to be there.
Status amongst your peers, all people want to be respected and viewed highly by the people around them.
Significantly more valuable to people
Having security, higher value to people
Basic needs that absolutely have to have, some products address this some don't
There is an opportunity and a threat associated with each side of these desires.
e.g. the car you have makes you more respected or the car you have makes you less respected by people at first glance.
You need to be able to associate the product/service to some element of this pyramid, either allowing someone to take advantage of the opportunity or avoid the threat.
A new Mercedes will make people deem you as more respectable, an old, banged up Toyota will make people view you as less respectable.
But any human desire and pain can be associated with somewhere on this pyramid.
All products will fall somewhere on this pyramid.
Pain & Pleasure Dynamic
People are mainly driven by 2 principles that underlies every decision anyone makes.
Avoiding Pain & Seeking Pleasure
With the avoidance of pain being the bigger driving factor of the two.
Hence why alcohol and drugs consume so many peoples lives, because they combine both elements.
Uncovering Pains - Current State
Thorough market research will give you a good understanding of their pains.
You want to know what the readers pain is so you can amplify it in your emails.
(With the long term goal of getting them to take action to fix their pain.)
Being able to repeat word for word what they think about their current situation is the most powerful way to do this.
Now people online tend to overshare, so if you can clearly identify your target market.
Finding the exact words is as simple as looking through reviews for products related to yours (which could even be beneficial for you from an R&D standpoint.)
1 - Write down your EXACT target market.
men aged 21-35 looking to gain muscle while losing fat
2 - Think of some products they might have tried or websites they might have visited for information.
Exercise/ nutrition related books on amazon, YouTube videos, Facebook communities, forums
3 - Compile any sort of information that's beneficial you have found that outlines their pains
Found on Reddit.
Uncovering Desires - Dream State
When you've uncovered their pains, uncovering their desires can be done with reverse engineering.
Pain: Not being able to pay the bills
Desire: Making enough money they can pay all their families bills
However you can also use the same methods for finding pains to find desires.
1 - Search for transformation videos, or in forums, maybe even post your specific question on reddit and wait for people to answer it.
"How I gained 10kg muscle and 0kg fat", "Body transformation", "Weight loss journey"
p.s. "How I gained 10kg muscle +reddit", typed into google will only show you reddit posts
2 - Compile your results
Reddit post from earlier, the guy showed some elements of dream state.
From "How to lose bellyfat (in 5 weeks) Body transformation" Video comments section
Guy even said it was like a dream when he lost all the weight.
Now you've defined your target markets demographic, their current state and dream state.
You should now give them a name. This is your avatar. It will represent your entire target market
You want to write emails as if it is only going to this avatar.
Making it feel, to the reader, as if you are having a 1 - 1 conversation with them.
This is powerful. It makes the reader believe the email was written exclusively for them.
Because it is.
Uncovering Road Blocks
Road blocks are the problems your avatar is facing that stop them from getting to the dream outcome.
This can be a range of things and there's likely going to be multiple within your target market.
Finding them is essential.
They allow you to optimize your marketing strategy.
1 - Look in the same places you found the current state, pains and dream state.
Transformation videos, forums, product reviews, ask customers, success story videos typically have a sea of people explaining why they can't do it in the comments.
2 - Compile
Jeff Nippard gain muscle lose fat video
Presenting Solutions
Once you understand what the roadblock is, you are able to figure out a solution for them.
Try and "If.. Then" statement
If he eats 1.5g protein and over his maintenance level of calories, then he will gain weight
1 - Imagine you were facing the same roadblocks as your avatar and figure out the solutions.
Road block - eat more protein
Solution - Eat more tuna, steaks, beef, eggs, protein shakes, beans, more meals etc
2 - Imagine yourself in the avatars situation and think about how it would make you feel.
I would feel as if it was a daunting task, I've been skinny all my life and eating is something I've really struggled with, I am scared of getting fat but I do ultimately want to get bigger. Also I struggle to actually get enough food down me throughout the day.
3 - Switch back to marketer, how can you acknowledge and amplify the pain of this roadblock?
"Now the number one reason we find for people failing to reach their genetic potential and feeling weaker than they should is.
Not eating enough.
Not your typical body transformation issue and that's why it's an easy mistake to make.
BUT it is crucial that you start hitting your required calories for the day
So you can become the strongest you've ever been"
Presenting The Product
You want to show them how they can take advantage of the solution using your product
In this case by DRINKING mass gainer shakes.
Just buying it isn't enough, therefore you aren't solving their problem.
BUT it can help them take advantage of the solution and ultimately achieve their dream state.
Making your product the vehicle which can take them to their dream state.
1 - After you've outlined the roadblock to your customer, present them the solution
"Now everybody knows it's hard to stuff your face with food 4-5 times a day just to gain another kg each week.
As someone that had to do it myself I know that there's another way to get the calories in.
One that's much more efficient and doesn't require bigger plates of food more often.
A way to get 1300 calories into your body in under 15 seconds.
If you want to take advantage of this and break through your plateaus.
Then you need a mass gainer shake.
It's a protein shake, with extra calories and protein for those with fast metabolisms.
Now be careful which one you get because some are formulated for different purposes.
But if you are looking to gain a lot of muscle whilst avoiding unnecessary fat.
I would recommend the gamma labs extreme gainer. Click here to check it out yourself.
Any high protein, high calorie, low carb shake will do the trick .
But the gamma labs shake is the best."
Emotive Language
This allows you to amplify emotions within a reader.
This is how you can motivate them to purchase something.
With emails you can really take a reader through a series of emotions.
See in this example each stage outlined above and the emotion tied to it.
This shows how the readers emotions should be affected throughout the text.
Remember this is subject to change based on the audience you are trying to reach.
A young male that can embrace hardship can be motivated by negative emotions surrounding his current state more than positive emotions around his dream state. (This is an example, not all men will be the same)
A young woman should be subject to mostly positive emotions with negative emotions being associated with not acting on the solution rather than her current state. (This is an example, not all women will be the same)
If you trigger the wrong emotion at the wrong point then the reader will likely close the email.
1 - Define the emotions you want the reader to be feeling in the beginning middle and end of your email.
2 - Come up with a story that can trigger these emotional responses
Appealing to logic
In short people buy with emotion and justify with logic so you need both.
The logical side of the brain (the conscious mind) should be satisfied with some statistics and sound logical reasoning as to why the product/service is right for them, is almost guaranteed to succeed, the best deal they will get, or in general the best option on the market.
Social proof is another big factor for appealing to logic, this means including customer testimonials and reviews (if they are positive)
Tying It All Together.
So now you know the core requirements of how to write persuasive emails.
But how do you tie it all together?.
You want to take them on a journey.
Here's a diagram of possible paths to take.
Note: Briefly reiterating the current state's pains and frustrations before the CTA or afterwards with a quick P.S. can be a good idea. Putting emphasis on the pain of inaction would also be a good idea.
Bonus: Urgency And Scarcity
  • Concept: Urgency prompts immediate action by creating a time-sensitive atmosphere.
  • Techniques:
  • Limited-time offers: "24 hours left!"
  • Countdowns: Display a timer showing time remaining for an offer.
  • Deadline emphasis: Repeat deadlines for reinforcement.
  • Action-oriented language: Use "now," "fast," "hurry," and "immediately."
  • Concept: Scarcity leverages the desire for exclusive resources, boosting perceived value.
  • Techniques:
  • Limited supply: "Only 10 spots left!"
  • Exclusive access: Phrases like "VIP offer" or "early bird pricing."
  • Social proof: Highlight people already taking advantage ("500 signed up").
  • Creating demand: Mention potential sell-outs or missed opportunities.
Why They Work:
  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Triggers a powerful psychological drive for action.
  • Cognitive Bias: People value scarcity; scarcity enhances perceived importance.
How to Use Them Ethically:
  • Be Honest: Ensure claims are legitimate; avoid false shortages or manipulated time limits.
  • Value Comes First: Emphasize genuine benefits; avoid relying solely on these tactics.
  • Use Strategically: Avoid overuse to prevent devaluation of messaging and erosion of trust.
1 - Find a limited time deal that's applied to one of your products
2 - Find a segment of your email list that could be interested
3 - Send them an email about it
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